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Length Converter by Solangi

Value in any of the fields to convert between Length measurements. The standard unit of length based on the metric system is a meter (m). According to the length that needs to be measured Review the size of millimeters, centimeters, meters, and kilometers and how to convert between them. Convert instantly between centimeters, feet, inches, meters, kilometers, miles, and another metrics, and imperial units of length and distance to convert length from one unit to another and multiply by the correct number

The Length Convert

Cm: &nbsp

How to convert between standard units 

WHAT YOU NEED: Ruler, pen, calculator, tape measure and whiteboard.

STEP 1: Write the problem and circle the key information. Here you want to convert 140 centimetres into metres, then draw two parallel bars and label the top one with the length that you know in cm and the bottom bar with a question mark.

STEP 2 - 100 cm = 1 m: Write on the conversion rate: 100 cm = 1 metre. On the top bar, the estimate by eye where you think 100 cm would be, mark it with a vertical line and colour it in.

STEP 3: Draw a line directly below on the bottom bar and colour that part in too. 100 cm = 1 m so this represents 1 m. Can you estimate, by eye, what the whole length of the bottom bar is in metres?

The metre is 100 cm. Find out how many metres are in 140 cm, you divide by 100 cm. Write  calculation: the length you want to convert, 140 cm, divided by 100 cm. Before calculating it, can you estimate what the answer will be?

STEP 4 - AMOUNT IN METRES: Use a calculator to check your estimate. Then write the answer where the question mark was on the bottom bar. Don’t forget the right units – so you can write metres or the shorter ‘m’. You've done it!

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